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时间:2022-07-21 15:00:02 来源:网友投稿



As the semester is over, my teacher starts to make the summary of our study situation. I am so happy because my teacher praises me in front of my classmates. My teacher says that I am her wonderful student, I can also fulfill her expectation and she hope that others students can take me as the example. My teacher’s praise is such a great honor for me and I will continue to do the best. People say one is easy to lose himself when he is facing honor, so I will remember these words and keep moving on. I will remind myself not to be proud, there is still a long way for me to go.

推荐访问:当我 荣誉 面对 当我面对荣誉时候 When I Face Honor 当我面对荣誉的时候作文600字
