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时间:2022-06-24 18:15:07 来源:网友投稿




 奔赴战场 ====================================================================== 奔赴战场,最后再看你一眼 ---再回首之终结篇 (报纸 47、48、49、50 期、三练)

 一.又爱又恨小单选 1.As is known to us, the police have ____ power to deal with such urgent matters by ____ law. A. the; the B. /; / C. /; the D.the; / 2.Some yougsters know what to ____ at university. They have made up their minds about their futures. A. take in B. take up C. take over D. take down 3.So my only requirement is that the films ____ from the audience’s point of view. A. shoot B. is shot C. be shot D. will be shot 4.---The patient is much better today. ---Do you know ____ it is that has made him ____ he is today? A. how; what B. what; that C. why; how D. what; what 5.---You didn’t wait for Professor Wang last night, did you? ---No, but we ____. He didn’t return home at all. A. couldn’t have B. needn’t have C. didn’t need to D. mustn’t have 6.We finally managed to make the customers ____ of the quality of the vehicles made in China. A. to convince B. cinvincing C. convince D. convinced 7.---I don’t want to move to that city. It’s heavily polluted. ---Pollution is common. The city here is ____. A. no less clean B. no clean C. no cleaner D. not less than 8.With all factors ____, we think this program may be better than all the others in achieving the goal. A. being considered B. considering C. are considered D. considered 9.The old couple have been married for 50 years and never once ____ with each other. A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 10.I read about it in some book or other. Does it matter ____ it was?

 A. where B. what C. hwo D. which 11.The mother seldom let an opportunity to help her son make up for the hours of schooling he had missed____. A. pass B. passing C. to pass D. being passed 12.In this school, ____ is usually part of an English test, and it requires students to write down every word their teachers says. A. vocabulary B. dictation C. grammar D. comprehension 13. ____ it rain tomorrow, we would have to ____ the picnic. A. Would; put forward B. Should; call off C. Will; give up D.Should; put up 14.---Have you got used to Chinese food, Anthony? ---Yes. But I don’t like ____ when a Chinese host keeps serving me food. A. this B. that C. those D. it 15.I tried to explain this matter to my dad, but he was so angry that he ____ listen. A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. won’t 16.It’s the protection of stress that really matters, ____ how many trees are planted each year. A. other than B. less than C. rather than D. more than 17.Computers can be built to ____ almost any job where a series of actions is repeated over and over again. A. give up B. bring in C. turn out D. take over 18.---Could you give me a lift to the post office? ---I am not going in that direction, ____ have the time to go out of my way to drop you. A. nor do I B. neither am I C. either am I D. or do I 19.Over the past three months, North China ____ by severe droughts, seriously threatening normal agricultural production. A. has hit B. had been hit C. was hit D. has been hit

 20.No habit is completely good or bad. There is always a ____ that it can provide and damage that it can cause. A. preference B. favor C. disadvantage D. benefit 21.Mr Zhang, ____ professor from Qinghua University will give us a lecture on how to keep ____ balance of nature next week. A. the; the B. /; the C. a; the D. a; / 22.The famous writer is still ____ in thought though he has reached the age of ninety-two. A. weak B. smooth C. firm D. sharp 23.US warships and planes helping with relief efforts have temporarily moved from Japan’s nuclear-crisis coast ____ low-level radiation. A. because of B. in favor of C. apart from D. in want of 24.The majority of those who have crossed over to Egypt ____ Egyptians, most of whom ____ already been transported to other towns and cities. A.is; has B. is; have C. are; has D. are; have 25.I think one of the hardest things to teach our kids is ____ everything in life is not always fair. A. that B. where C. whether D. what 26. ____ the machines have been put in workingorder, they will keep on doing the work. A. Once B. In case C. Although D. As if 27.In addition to ____ English language, the students have to learn ____ second foreign language to get the degree. A. the; a B. /; the C. the; the D. /; a 28.So far, we have been working day and night ____ we can come up with a design model that everybody is satisfied with. A. providing that B. if only C. so that D. now that 29.A German mother, who photographed her son in 1914, left the film ____ at a store in Strasbourg. A. develop B. developing C. having been developed D. to be developed 30.---Dave, let’s go to buy some lottery tickets. A lottery winner from Beijing won 24 million yuan today. ---____! Janie, that wouldn’t be our luck.

 A. Give in B. Come on C. Set up D. Put out 31.The British Library is one of the three largest libraries in the world; ____ two are the National Library of France and the Library of Congress in Washington. A. another B. the others C. others D. the other 32.The conference was ____ fixed for the 15th, Marchm but later the unexpected disaster made us put it off. A. normally B. necessarily C. originally D. oedinarily 33.180 men ____ in three shifts are fighting to save the north of Honshu in Japan from a nuclear disaster. A. having worked B. to work C. worked D. working 34.So badly ____ that even the best doctors failed to save his life. A. the man was injured B. was the man injured C. the man has injured D. had the man injured 35.The project along with the experiment we had once devoted so much time ____ perfectly. A. to work out B. to working out C.to worked out D. has worked out 36. ____ she is a likeable girl, she can be extremely difficult to work with. A. If B. Wheter C. Before D. While 37.We had to ____ our visit to Japan because of the servere earthquake. A. prohibit B. postpone C. predict D. perserve 38.---How about buying Sam a mobile phone? After all, he isn’t a boy any more. ---I think it necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he ____ home for dinner. A. will come B. comes C. has come D. would come 39.You ____ receive the mailbox tomorrow, as I have promised. A. shall B. need C. can D.may 40.The school has developed an on-line system ____ students can choose their own teachers. A. which B. when C. that D. where 41.---Who do you know ____ lit the Olympic flame on August 8, 2008? ---The former gymnastics star Li Ning. A. was it that B. that it was C. that was it D. it was that 42.Without her help, the police ____ in solving the mystery in such a short time. A. shouldn’t have succeeded B. couldn’t have succeeded C. needn’t have succeeded D. wouldn’t succeed

 43.Economy of the world in 2010 was not so good. Many small companies ____. A. closed up B. drew up C. picked up D. grew up 44.The possibility ____ the majority of the labor force will work at home is a trend. A. which B. that C. whether D. why 45. ____ as the promising tennis-player in the world, Chinese player Zheng Jie succeeded in entering the next round in Franch Open Tennis. A. Having acknowledged B. Acknowledging C. Acknowledged D. To acknowledge 二.一生痴心为完形 and actually write the thing. A. rely on B. get down to C. apply for D. get rid of A. later B. further C. fast D. ahead vows, and then you have to stand up again and make a speech. 42.A. positive B. definite C. good D. much 43.A.keeping B.changing C.saying D.breaking As the date got closer and closer, I tried to think of an and joyful wedding speech and it just wasn’ Now, believe me that there are more efficient ways to plan a speech, but this was great for 45.A.as B. so C. yet D. then 46.A. usually B. suddeny C. firstly D. eventually 47.A. head B. eyes C. heart D. ears 48.A. machines B. argument C. ideas D. performance ’now. 51.A. allowed B. forced C. refused D. helped 52.A. for B. into C. through D. beyond A. danger B. block C. moment D.effort A. firstly B. habitually C. particularly D. hardly A. popular B. special C. strong D. authoritative A. check B. enter C. study D. visit 放大 48.A.Quickly B. Easily C. Gently D.Naturally

 49.A. put B. increased C. focused D.pushed 50.A. bottle B. lamp C. tube D.flame 52.A.threw B.hung C. cut D. grabbed A. weakness B. sadness C. relief D. belief A. notice B. see C. inagine D. realize A. eyes B. face C. hands D. heart A. escape B. oppose C. aviod D. refuse “Little girl,” I said, “无邪的).” She looked at me and smiled; “Really?”„ 48.A. remind B. tell C. inform D.charge 49.A.knees B. clothes C. feet D. chairs 51.A.unless B. though C. once D. since 52.A. more than B. except for C. other than D. except that So, when you think you’ 54.A. watching B. turning C. taking D. going 55.A. everyone B.anything C. someone D.nothing The door of his wife, Valeie’ A. either B. so C. such D.nor 38.A. taken over B. run over C. gone over D. knocked over 39.A.beyond B.against C. within D. through „ A. picked B. turned C.headed D.looked 48.A. bed B. basin C. floor D. ground 49.A. lied B. fixed C. lay D. put “What happened here today?” Valerie again smiled and answered , “You know, every day when you come home from work, you ask me sarcastically(挖苦地 all day.” 53.A. confused B. excited C. upset D. nervous 55.A. above all B. in the world C. as usual D.in a way with housing needs. 36. A. demanded B.remembered C. handled D. rejected 37.A. which B. them C. what D. whom Even though we were here to help people, the trauma(心灵创伤) made some callers rude mand encouraging. 39.A. strange B. sensitive C. available D. suitble 40.A. received B. stopped C. invited D. imagined 41.A. impatient B. calm C. comfortable D. delighted 42.A. regretted B. refused C. disliked D.enjoyed 43.A. frightened B. confused C. optimistic D.painful

 A.terrible B. alone C. negative D. safe A. therefore B. though C.besides D. otherwise A. trust B. hate C. pity D. appreciation “I know that recovery lies ahead,” she continued. “then God will give us the love and kindness to endure. The destruction of our has given birth to a spirit of unity.” Brenda’the same destination. 51.A.distrust B. shame...

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