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小学三年级英语语法 第1篇

What"s your name?的用法:

当两人初次见面互相询问姓名时,可用What"s your name?来提问,回答时,可用My name is ….来回答,接着反问对方时,可用And what"s your name?来提问。例如:

Hi!What"s your name?

Hi!My name is what"s your name?

My name is Wang




句中的What"s是What is的缩写形式。

小学三年级英语语法 第2篇


living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, study,bathroom, balcony, garage, armchair, telephone, own, desk, teddy bear,


1 -Where is the cat?

-It’s on the / It’s in the dining

2-Where is the tiger’s room?

-It’s in the

3-What’s in the forest?

-There is a There are twocats

4 -Is there a bathroom/livingroom/kitchen/bedroom/study/balcony/garage in your home?

-Yes, there 肯定回答

-N, there isn’ 否定回答

5 -What room is it?

-It’s the kitchen/dining

6 Cookie is a naughty Cookie goes to thebathroom,falls into the bathtub,knocks over the garage can, runs into

小学三年级英语语法 第3篇



第一人称I+am (注意:“I”无论何时都要大写,不管位于句首还是句中)

例:I am a I am I am

(2) are

第二人称you+are; 一人称复数we+are; 三人称复数they+are

其他复数名词+are (注意:第二人称单复数同形,都为you)

例:You are my good We are in the same

They are on the The books are on the

(3) is

第三人称he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他单数名词+is

例:HeShe is a good It is a white

A dog is on that


例:I am(not) from

My eyes are(not)

My hair is(not)

Am I a Chinese? 回答:肯定:Yes, you 否定:
No, you aren’

Is the cat fat? 回答:肯定:Yes, it 否定:
No, it isn’



例:What is your name? My name is Gao

Where areyou? I’m in the


I用am; you, we, they是are;is连着he(他), she(她) , it(它);




小学三年级英语语法 第4篇


1 My father’s/mother’s/…… is my……

2 -What’s it? -It’s a ……

3-Where is it? -It’s on/in……the……

4 -Who is she? -She is

5 -What’s she doing? -She is

6 -What’s in Tom’s room/the kitchen……? -There is/are……

7 -What’s sb’s job? -He/She is a ……

小学三年级英语语法 第5篇


Chinese, English, Math, PE, hard, easy,fun, boring, interesting, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,favourite, Why, my, friend, I’m=I am, good morning, good afternoon, meet, too, goodbye,turn on, turn off


1 -Tom, do you likeChinese/English/math/PE/music/art/science/computers?

-Yes, I It’s interesting/easy/fun 肯定回答

-No, I don’ It’s boring/hard (for me). 否定回答

2 -What classes do you have on Monday/Tuesday/……?

-I have Chinese/……

3 Bill has PE on He likes doesn’t like

Lily has math on She She doesn’t like

4 -What’s your favourite class?/What class do youlike?




5 -When do you havemath/English/Chinese/PE/computers/art/science class?

6 -I have English class on 肯定式

-I don’t have English class on 否定式

小学三年级英语语法 第6篇


Family, people, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt,father, mother, brother, sister, cousin, cook, waiter, dentist, nurse, manager,taxi-driver, policeman


1 There are ……people in my They are……

2 -What’s your father’s/mother’s/grandfather’s/uncle’s/aunt;s/brother’s/sister’sjob?

-He/Sheis a doctor/cook/waiter/dentist/nurse/manager/taxi-driver/policeman

3 I’m ……,I’m ……years old, I’m from China/Canada/…….There are……people in my family, ……and 形容词性的物主代词

4 -Can you swim/jump/……?

-Yes,I can 肯定回答

-No,I can’t 否定回答

5 -Are you my mother?

-Yes,I 肯定回答

-No,I am 否定回答

6 -Do you know my mom?


-No,I don’t 否定回答

7 -What’s ……like?

小学三年级英语语法 第7篇


1 -What are you going to……/What is Lily going to……

-We are going to……/ I am going to……/He(She) is going to……

2 We have……/I have……

3 -When do you have music class?


4 -Do you like……?

-Yes, I No,I don’ (单数)

-Yes, we ,we don’

5 -Where is Lily?

-She is in the library on the first

小学三年级英语语法 第8篇


句子基本是:简单陈述句,由简单陈述句转变成肯定句,否定句,疑问句。疑问句是用来提出问题。英语中有四种疑问句: 一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句。我们现在已经接触到了前两种疑问句。后两种疑问句以后我们还会学到.


英语中要用 yes和no 来回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。如:

1)Is it hot ?Yes, it is .\No, it isn" -- be动词引导

2)Is it a car ?Yes, it is .\No, it isn"t . -- be动词引导

3)Is this your ruler ?Yes, it is .\No, it isn"t . -- be动词引导

4)Do you like bananas ? -- 含实义动词

Yes, I like \ No, I don"t like

5)Can Ming hear a drill ? --含情态动词

Yes , Ming can hear a \No,Ming can"t hear a



1) 主语+be动词+…. 1) 主语+be动词+not+…. 1)be动词+主语+…?

Yes, 主语+be动词./

No, 主语+be动词+

I am a I am not a Are you a teacher?

--Yes, I No, I am

My mother is My mother is not /isn"t Is your mother thin?

--Yes, she No, she isn"

They are They are not/aren"t Are they insects?

they No, they aren"

2) 主语+情态动词can+… 2) 主语+情态动词can+ not+…. 2)情态动词can+主语+…?

Yes, 主语+情态动词can/

No,主语+情态动词can+ not

He can He can not/can"t Can he jump?

--Yes,he No, he can"

3) 主语+动词+…. 3) 主语+助动词do/does+not 3) 助动词do/does+主语

+…. 动词原形 +….动词原形?

Yes, 主语+助动词

No, 主语+助动词do/does+

He likes to eat He doesn"t like to eat Does he like to eat apples?

Yes,he No,he doesn"

We like to eat We don"t like to eat Do you like to eat apples?

Yes,we /No,we don"

二. 祈使句:表示请求、命令、建议或劝告等的句子叫祈使句,主语you常省略。


Open the door,


Don"t be late for

三 特殊疑问句(又叫wh-question)

用特殊疑问词来提出问题的疑问句叫作特殊疑问句。特殊疑问词一般要放在句首。常用的疑问词有what who ,which how 等这些词都以wh 开头(包括how)所以也叫作wh-question。特殊疑问句要求回答具体内容。不能用yes或no回答。结构:疑问词+一般疑问句。回答不能用yes / no(或相当于yes / no)回答的问句。答句的句式同肯定句句式:如:

What can you see ?I can see a

What can you hear ?I can hear a

What can you do ?I can sing and

What is it ? It"s a

What do you like ?I like playing football

How old are you ?I"m

小学三年级英语语法 第9篇


Feed the fish, wash clothes, water the flowers, cookthe chicken, clean the kitchen, watch TV, listen to music, walk the dog, On the phone


1 -What are they doing? 主语是第三人称复数

-Theyare cooking the fish/……

2-What is Lily’s /Tom’s (she/he)mom doing? 主语是第三人称单数

-He/Sheis cleaning the

3-What am I doing? 主语是第一人称

-Youare doing……


小学三年级英语语法 第10篇

be 动词(am, is, are)的用法:

我用am,你(们)用are;is紧跟她他它;单数is, 复数

thank 谢谢 thank you =thanks 谢谢你!

3、对应词、反义词 X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m

sister(对应词)——brother grandpa(对应词)——grandma

father(对应词)—— mother I(对应词)——you

she (对应词)——he my(对应词)—— your

black(黑色的) ——white(白色的) yes(是的)—— no(不是)

right(对的,正确的) ——wrong(错的,错误的)



too (也)——to \two I(我)—— eye(眼睛) write(写)—— right(对的)

C ——see(看见) U ——you(你)


friend(复数)—— friends are(单数)—— is\am

I(物主代词)—— my I(宾格)——me

see you(同义词)——goodbye

小学三年级英语语法 第11篇


after school,activity, club time, play the drum, sing songs, draw pictures, play chess, doart projects, play soccer, go for a hike, have a good time, be going to, dance,turn right, bend down, dance to the music, Sunday,


1 -What do theydo on Monday?

-They play

2 -What areyou going to do after school?

-I am goingto play the drum/sing songs/draw pictures/play chess/do art projects/playsoccer/ dance/ride my bike/fly my (I)

-That’s soundsinteresting, I am going to……,

3 -What is Lilygoing to do after school?

-Sheis going to……

Lily/Yaoyao/Jhon/Andy/Binbin/Billis going to…… (he,she,it)

4Weare going to…… (we)

Yaoyao andBinbin are going to…… (they)

5 -Are you going to……? (you)

-Yes, are you going to play?

-Oh, yes, that sounds like more fun,just a


小学三年级英语语法 第12篇


library, computer room, washroom, clinic,office, music room, first, second, third, floor, gym, art room, science room,between, boy, girl, teacher, student, this, our


1 -Where is Binbin?

-Heis in the

-Whereis the library?

-It’son the first

Andyis in the library on the first/second/third

2 -Do you have a gym/computerroom/washroom/clinic/office/music room/art room/science room in your school?

-Yes,we do/No, we don’

-Whereis it?

-It’son the……floor, It’s between……and……

3 This is our school, we have (a /an art room/)……, It’s on the first/……,It’s Ilove/like my

4 -Helen, do you have a gym?

-Yes,I , I don’

5 We are canadian We have……students/teachers in We have 40 minutes for

I’min school, class one, grade

6 -Amy is looking at her test She has a Here you are,Amy, I found your


Amy is in the……,she puts her paper in the

推荐访问:小学三年级 英语语法 小学三年级英语语法12篇 小学三年级英语语法(精选12篇) 小学生三年级英语语法