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复习五年级下册英语 第1篇


()1. A. better B. big C. heavy

()2. A. mine B. yours C. them

()3. A. ate B. find D. learnt

()4. A. Maths B. English C. television

()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional


1、在机场_______ 2、讲英语_______ 3、在三周时间内_______

4、在晚上_______ 5、在办公室_______ 6、在中国的北部_______

7、试穿这一个______ 8、对、、、很容易_______ 9、在书架C上______



( )1.—_____ did you come back? —We came back last Sunday

. A. Where B. When C. Why

( )2. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____.

A. my B. mine C. he

( )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team?

A. at B. in C. on

( )4. —Can you control the ball? —________________.

A. Thank you B. Very badly, sorry C. You are welcome

( )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

A. bought B. buy C. buys

( )6. I can’t swim _____.

A. at B. at all C. good

( )7. —______ does school start? —At nine o’clock .

A. What B. What time C. Where

( )8. These chicks can’t______.

A. eat B. eating C. ate

( )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

A. see B. hear C. walk

( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

A. at B. in C. of


( )1.Did you learn music? A.It’me .

( )2.Who is going to go to the airport? B.She had hamburgers.

( )3.How did you go ? C.At ten o’clock.

( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.By bus .

( )5.When are you going to go there ? E.Yes,I,did.


1. you for trip Are ready your (?)


2. Are feeling you hungry (?)


3.be right will It all (.)


4. you are go going to Where (?)


5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )




This morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesn’t likemilk , and she gave her milk to me . I didn’t drink them . I will drink themtonight .

My sister is a very good girl . We are good friends . She studies very hard. And all of us like her very much . She wants to be a teacher .

( )1.Father bought us some milk .

( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .

( )3.I drank my milk .

( )4.My sister studies very hard .

( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor .


Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted tobuy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour.The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a smallone. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. Sothey took it.

( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

A. coat B. T-shirt C. dress

( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

A. small B. big C. nice

( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.

A. black B. white C. blue



复习五年级下册英语 第2篇


spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天

season 季节 picnic 野餐 go on a picnic 去野餐

pick 摘;采集 pick apples 摘苹果 snowman 雪人

make a snowman 堆雪人 go swimming 去游泳 which 哪一个

best 最;最高程度地 snow 雪 good job 做得好

because 因为 vacation 假期 all 全;完全 pink粉色;粉色的

lovely 可爱的;美丽的 leaf 叶子(复数leaves)

fall 落下;【美】秋天 paint 用颜料绘画


-- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

-- 秋天。

Look at my 看我的画。

Classes start at 3 o’ 三点钟开始上课。

I like summer best because of Children’s


-- What do you do often do in summer? 你在夏天经常做什么?

-- I often go 我经常去游泳。

Good job! 做得好!

I like the The colour is very pretty! 我喜欢这些树。颜色很漂亮!

I like autumn 我最喜欢秋天。

The weather is good and the colours are beautiful!


-- Why? 外什么?

-- Because I like summer 因为我喜欢暑假。


-- Which season do you like best?

-- I like + 季节 + / 季节.

-- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

-- I like spring 我最喜欢春天。

-- Why (do you like + 季节)?

-- Because + 原因.

-- Why do you like spring? 你为什么喜欢春天?

-- Because there are beautiful flowers


复习五年级下册英语 第3篇


January 一月 February 二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June 六月 July 七月 August 八月

September 九月 October 十月 November 十一月

December 十二月 few 不多;很少 a few 一些

thing 事情 meet 集会;开会 sports meet 运动会

Easter 复活节 trip 旅行 year 年 plant 种植

contest 比赛;竞争 the Great Wall 长城 national 国家的

National Day 国庆日 American 美国的 Thanksgiving 感恩节

Christmas 圣诞节 holiday 假日;节日 game 游戏

roll 滚动 look for 寻找 chocolate 巧克力

bunny(用作儿语)兔子 RSVP(尤用于请柬)请赐复

by 在……之前


-- When is the summer vacation? 暑假是什么时候?

-- It’s in July and 它在七月和八月。

-- When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节是什么时候?

-- It’s in 它在三月。

We have a school trip, 我们也有一次学校郊游。

Cool! 太酷了!

I like I really like the


We usually have a school trip in


-- When is the trip this year? 今年的郊游是什么时候?

-- It’s in 它在十月。

We’ll go to the Great 我们将去长城。


-- When is + 活动/节日?

-- It’s in + 月份.

-- When is the sports meet? 运动会是什么时候?

-- It’s in 它在四月。


I will go hiking with my 我将和我的朋友去远足。

复习五年级下册英语 第4篇

Unit 1 We’re going to read stories

Period 1

Teaching Goals:

1.Learn neals.

Period 2

Teaching Goals:

1.Review the words.

2.Review the text.

3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

4.Can do the exercises.

Teaching Point:

Master reading skill.

Teaching preparations:

Exercises and pictures.

Teaching Process:

1.Warming Up



2.Presentation and Drills

(1)Learn Part D

Let’s Read

Read the text of Part D.

Do the exercises of Part D.

Talk about Part D.

(2)Learn Part E

Let’s Write

There are four children in your group.There are four animals in

the play.Which role are you going to play?

David is going to play______________________

Amy is going to___________________________


And I___________________________________

(3)Learn Part F

a.Here is a paper box.

b.Write words on four sides of the box.

c.Put cards into the box.

d.Play a game this way.

Unit 2 We are going to do some research

Period 1

Teaching Goals:

1.Learn new words.

2.Learn the text.

3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

Teaching Point:

Master the Third Person Singular.

Teaching Preparations:

Tape and pictures.

Teaching Process:

1.Warming Up



2.Presentation and Drills

(1)Learn new words.

Research find information study think

(2)Learn Part A

Let’s listen and Say

What are we going to do today?

We’re going to do some research.

We’re going to read and find information.

复习五年级下册英语 第5篇


如:Read-reading drink-drinking eat-eating listen-listening jump-jumping wear-wearing Grow-growing collect-collecting do-doing

2、以e 结尾的动词去掉e +ing

如:Write-writing make-making ride-riding take-taking Shine-shining



如:Sit-sitting swim-swimming put-putting run--running

复习五年级下册英语 第6篇

一、 重点词汇

climbing(正在)攀爬 eating(正在)吃 playing (正在)玩

jumping(正在)跳 drinking(正在)喝 sleeping (正在)睡觉


play football 踢足球 look at 看 read the books/read a book读书

in the kitchen在厨房 play with each other一起玩耍 at school 在学校 at the zoo在动物园

underthe tree 在树下 in the park 在公园 in the living room 在客厅

drinkwater 喝水 listen to music 听音乐




如:This is my book(这是我的书). That is his bag(那是他的书包)

2、名词性物主代词需独立使用,后面不能跟名词,它相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。如:It’s (它是我的)


1、一般动词直接在词尾加-ing read→reading(读) talk→talking(交谈) sing→singing(唱歌)


2、以不发音的e结尾的动词,先去e再加-ing write→writing(写)take→taking(上课)





句型结构:问:Whose(+物品)+are these/those?(这些/那些是谁的?)

答:They are+名词性物主代词。(它们是的。)

或:They are+形容词性物主代词+物品。(它们是的)。

例:问:Whose pens are these? (这些钢笔是谁的?)

They are (它们是我的)。

They are my (它们是我的钢笔)。


问:Whose(+物品)+is it/this/that?(它/这/那是谁的?)



例:问:Whose dog is it?(它是谁的狗?)

答:It’s (它是她的。) It’s her (它是她的狗。)


句型结构:问:Are these+名词性物主代词?(这些是的吗?)

答:Yes,they are/No,they aren’t(是的,它们是/不,它们不是)。

例:The Chinese book is (这本语文书是我的。)

问:Are these all yours?(这些书都是你的吗?)

答:No,they aren’(不,它们不是)



主语是第一人称单数I时,be动词用 例:I am watching (我正在看电视)

主语是第二人称单数you时,be动词用are You are reading a (你正在读书)

主语是第三人称单数he/she/it单个人时,be动词用is He isplaying (他正在踢足球)

主语是各人称复数we/you/they多个人时,be动词用are Theyare having lunch(他们正在吃晚饭)




例:问:What is he doing?(他正在做什么?)

答:He is (他正在睡觉。)

问:What are you doing?(你正在做什么?)

答:I am looking at an am walking like an




例:问:Are you listening to music?(你正在听音乐吗?)

答:Yes, I am (是的)

问:Is he singing?(他正在唱歌吗?)

答:Yes,he (是的) 否定:No,he isn’(不,他不是。)

问:Are the children playing games?(孩子们正在做游戏吗?)

答:Yes,they (是的) 否定:No,they aren’(不,他们不是。)

7、问:Do you wantto swim like a fish?(你想像一条鱼一样游泳吗?)

答:No,I don’t wantto be a (不,我不想成为一条鱼。)

—CanI play with him now?(我现在可以和他玩吗?)

--Yes,you (是的,你可以。)

of Beijing is (那幅北京的画很漂亮。)
