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2023高考英语模拟试题 第1篇


It was 20 years I was driving home with my 4-year-old Traffic was I was singing quietly along 36 the song playing on the I 37 at the intersection(交叉路口) and looked both The road was 38 . I slowly started to make a right turn when suddenly a car rounded the curve at high speed and came 39 at I stomped (猛踩) on the brakes of my car killing the engine in the The speeder zoomed (疾驰) past my dead car 40 me by inches without even slowing

41 I knew it, a stream of rude words was flying from my lips, 42 after the car and its I then saw my son who was staring up at me 43 . With a red face and a(an) 44 smile I started the car, pulled back onto the road, and headed

Later that evening I was reading a book when I heard certain 45 words coming from my son’s He was replaying the 46 over and over in his Too 47 I realized the 48 of those words that had flown from my lips in that moment of 49 . It took a lot of talks about good language and bad language with my son to undo (消除)the 50 of that

That 51 , however, did teach me just how strong words 52 It helped me to decide to stop swearing (咒骂) in my own life and to start using words uplifting and inspire I slowly realized that language is a 53 from God and should be used to make our world better but not I learned 54 that a few loving words can help a hurting heart, strengthen a 55 spirit, and lighten a heavy I pray then that all of your words today are full of love, joy, happiness, and

through by to over

pushed up forced up put up pulled up

clean clear light busy

straight hard far high

leaving knocking missing approaching

Before When After Until

seeking chasing hunting looking

awfully bravely typically innocently

embarrassed pleased surprised worried

acute accurate unpleasant marvelous

music story language incident

sorry badly late soon

power strength nature potential

regret anger worry fear

process lesson image damage

accident mistake crash phenomenon

should need can would

talent evidence donation gift

too otherwise or however

challenging struggling rising caring

2023高考英语模拟试题 第2篇


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Last week I went to visit to my former neighbor, He and I used to living next to each other for many About half a year ago, an order came which the old building, along with many other similar ones, were going to be pulled down to make room for a main So I had to move Li now lives in the suburbs near a beautiful His new apartment is much big than The only problem is that it took quite a long time to get to the downtown Therefore, Li doesn’t seem to worry about the long He says that new subway line is to be built in a few year and he is sure life will be better in the

2023高考英语模拟试题 第3篇

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


Many people have come to realize that they should go on balanced diet and make

______room in their day for

a;/ the; a the; the /;a

— Is Jack on duty today?

— It ________ be It"s his turn

mustn"t won"t can"t needn"t

The newly-built road is the old

as twice wide as twice the width of

as wide as twice the width of twice

_______homework did we have to do that we had no time to play

So little Too much Too little So much

Your novel is perfect; I’ve never read _______

the better one the best one a better one a good one

He is such a man who is always finding _____ with other

error weakness mistake fault

— The teacher said we had only three days to finish the

— Don"t We have already ________ two thirds of

got down got through given in given away

— Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school

— Oh! I thought they _____ without

had gone are going have gone went

Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ______

was happening happens has happened happened

_____ in a white dress, the bride(新娘) looks very

Dressed To dress Dressing Having dressed

The typhoon(台风) left, a lot of damage to this area .

caused to have caused having caused to cause

Lin Dan has become the best badminton player, he wanted to

who which what that

I like the book so much that I"ll buy it,

no matter how it may cost how may it cost

how much may it cost however much it may cost

The people in the disaster areas are ready to accept _______ help they can

whichever however whatever whenever

-I’m thinking of the test I’m afraid I can’t pass this

- ! I’m sure you’ll make

Go ahead Cheer up No problem Good luck

2023高考英语模拟试题 第4篇

Text 1

M: Are you making cups today?

W: No, we’re going to make a large vase for some I like going to class and learning new It makes me feel

Text 2

M: Do you want the same cut as last time?

W: The same on top, but I’d like it a little longer over the ears and in the

Text 3

W: I wonder what’s happened to He hasn’t been around for at least 2

M: He took leave to see his mother in

Text 4

W: Hello! I am interested in purchasing that I have been late to work almost every day this

M: Well, luckily, this one has an alarm I use the same one every day myself, and it is very

Text 5

W: Lewis, Don told me that he could get you that Lady Gaga signature through a friend at work if you’re still interested in getting

M: Still interested in getting it? Um, I have every single Lady Gaga CD, and my wall is covered in her pictures! If I ever get a pet dog, I’ll probably name her Gaga, that’s how into her I am, so…

Text 6

W: Look at those pictures! They’re fantastic! You’re so talented, And wow, what a cool camera!

M: It’s a Nikon D200, and it’s really easy to But now, I’m planning to save up for a new Olympus It will definitely cost me an arm and a

W: Sounds quite Anyway, would you please bring your camera with you next Sunday and take some pictures of us while we’re playing tennis?

M: Sure, you got

Text 7

M: There is just one problem, Your driver’s license is no longer

W: What?

M: Today is the 19th, and your driver’s license was valid through the I’m afraid we can’t accept Do you have another form of ID?

W: Not with My passport is at home, but that’s 30 minutes

M: I do apologize, but this is our If you want to continue with your deposit, you might have to go home and get

W: That’s I’ll just come back tomorrow with my I need to try to get a new license Otherwise, I won’t be able to drive home!

Text 8

W: Can I help you?

M: Oh, I’m just looking, Well, actually, I’m looking for something for my

W: And what exactly are you looking for?

M: I don’t really A dress?

W: Well, what color does your sister usually wear?

M: Oh, dear…

W: Okay, what color are her eyes?


W: OK, purple usually suits people with green

M: Oh, great, purple’s

W: Now, what size is she?

M: Um, well… she isn’t very big, but she’s not particularly thin,

W: That’ll be a medium, Well, we have this rather nice silk evening dress here…

M: Good, I’ll take How much is it?

W: $70, How would you like to pay?

M: Seventy?! Uh, by credit card,

W: If you could just sign…

M: Here you

W: Just a minute, Here’s your

M: Oh yes, uh… can she exchange it if it doesn’t fit her?

W: Yes, but she needs to bring the

Text 9

W: Young man, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with the gentleman who just gave you

M: Uh-huh…

W: I think he must be The directions he gave you are all If you follow them, you’ll have a lovely ride, but you’ll end up at the

M: What should I do, then?

W: Come with I’m heading in the direction where you can catch the bus you We’ll just continue down Gold Road here for a few

M: OK, Thank

W: Here we This is the corner of Wall Street and Gold Road, and here’s your bus Take the F-1 down to the river, and get off at Riverside

M: And that’s where the church is?

W: No, transfer there to the L-5 going The end of the line for L-5 is just across the street from Riverside The whole ride shouldn’t take you more than 30

M: I’m glad you set me Is that my bus coming down the street now?

W: Yes, it I hope you have exact The driver doesn’t give change to

M: I have quite a few quarters with Thanks again!

Text 10

M: Many young girls dream of being Now, my first question: How were you able to make your dream a reality?

W: I actually spent my childhood being a My mother put me in TV commercials and other advertisements when I was just a small

M: Do you think that modeling has influenced your life at all?

W: It’s difficult to Sometimes I feel like it’s hard to make friends when you are a It seems like all they care about is my I travel a lot, and that also puts a lot of stress on any relationships that I

M: What is your favorite part of being a model?

W: I really like all of the traveling that I get to I have been able to go to Europe and Latin America and a lot of other beautiful locations around the I think the best thing, though, is having people look at me and think that I’m I love the

M: Now, finally, do you have any advice for young girls that want to be models?

W: Sure! I just want to tell you guys never to give up, and don’t let anyone ever tell you that you are not beautiful…because everyone is beautiful in their own way!

2023高考英语模拟试题 第5篇


you deliver (送货), or do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods?

have a typical can recognize (辨认) people by their

organizing the party, Jenifer played a very important role (作用).

the supermarket, everything you did was monitored (监视) by the

offers us a fantastic (极好的) chance to experience something that seems

reaching the end point, Usain Bolt couldn"t help smacking his

members of the government are popular with special

the girl, to meet her favourite film star can be a great

"s behaviour that morning was quite

of a peace settlement are beginning to


soon as we reach the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be

→On reaching the top of the mountain, we will experience a feeling of happiness and a sense of

will be surprised at how real it

→Wearing such a headset while watching the film will give us a real feeling,_which surprised most of the

my opinion, it is about time we had new

→From my point of view,_it is the proper time for us to_have new

G Wells wrote this science fiction story,one of the famous works in

→The science fiction story, written by H G Wells, was one of the famous works in

the film, a World Cup final was being played and the teenager was made to think that he had scored the winning

→In the film, the teenager was watching a World Cup final, which made him feel that he had_scored the winning


例句:This ring has been passed on in my family from mother to

仿写:好的传统应该一代一代往下传。(pass on )

例句:They set up an example to

仿写:每个人都应该通过自己的行为为下一代树立榜样。(set up )

例句:You can"t force others to accept your

仿写:他的父亲强迫他戒烟。(force sb to do sth)

His father forced him to give up

例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for

仿写:他今天没来上学的原因是他妈妈病了。(The )


例句:They put forward some new ideas on the

仿写:我们应该提出一个有效的方法来改善我们的英语学习。(put forward)


—Why didn"t you try your best to get on the bus?

—I tried to, but ________ I could, it started

答案C[考查before的用法。句意:——你为什么不尽力上公共汽车呢?——我争取了,不过我还没来得及上去,车就开动。before sb can /could do某人还没有来得及……就……]

"t be so you ________ such feelings, you will do better next

on back

down away

答案D[考查动词短语辨析。句意:不要如此泄气。如果你收起这样的情绪,下次会做得更好。carry on继续做;get back返回;找回;break down出故障;垮掉;分解;put away将……收起;积蓄。]

liked Bose"s paper so much that he ________ his own work and translated it into

off down

over aside

答案D[考查动词短语辨析。句意:Einstein如此喜欢Bose的论文以至于他把自己的工作放到一边,把Bose的论文译成德语。give off发出(光、气味)等;turn down调低;拒绝;take over接管;set aside把……放到一旁。]

all rushed over, ________ what had

to know to know

knowing knowing

答案A[考查形容词短语作状语的用法。句意:他们都跑过去,很想知道发生了什么。形容词短语作原因状语,对主语的状况进行补充说明。(be) anxious to do渴望,极想做。]

—What time are they planning to ________ on the journey around the world?

—Tomorrow, I

down aside off up

答案C[考查动词短语辨析。句意:——他们计划什么时候出发去环球旅行?——我想是明天。set down着陆;记下;set aside把……放到一旁;set off出发,启程;set up建立。]

was ________ that he was

out out

out out

答案C[考查动词短语辨析。句意:他晋升的消息已经公布了。turn out结果是(用主动形式);make out看清;give out分发,公布;carry out履行;实施。故选C。]

the editor"s ________ there was nothing in the article that went beyond legitimate comment and so he printed

答案A[考查名词辨析。句意:在主编看来,这篇文章中都是合理的评论,因而将它发表了。in sb"s view /opinion(注意用单数)依某人之见,在某人看来。其他两词无此搭配。]

"re telling a facial expression has

you away you out

you off you up

答案A[考查动词短语辨析。句意:你在撒谎,从你的面部表情就能看得出来。give away泄露,出卖;give out分发,公布;give off发出(光、气味等);give up放弃。]

has got a good ________ for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth


—How about your journey to Mount Emei?

—Everything was wonderful except that our car ________ twice on the

down down

down down

答案B[考查动词短语辨析。句意:——峨眉山之游感觉如何?——一切很好,就是我的车抛锚了两次。slow down放慢(速度); break down出故障,损坏;(健康等)垮掉;get down下来;写下;put down放下;镇压。]

—Have you ________ some new idea?

—Yeah, I"ll tell you

about into

up with out with

答案C[考查动词短语辨析。句意:——你想出了什么新的主意吗?是的,我以后告诉你。come about发生;come into进入;come up with想出,提出;come out with发表,公布。]

—You are always full of you tell me the secret?

—Taking plenty of exercise every


night Mr Crook didn"t come back at the usual , he met some friends and stayed out until


studying in a medical college for five years, Jane ________ her job as a doctor in the

out over

up up

答案C[考查动词短语辨析。句意:在一所医科大学学了五年以后,Jane开始下乡当一名医生。set out出发,动身;开始做(接不定式);take over接管;take up从事;set up建立。]

is reported that the floods have left about ________ people


thousands thousands of

答案A[考查数词用法。句意:据报道,洪水已经使约2,000人无家可归。dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million等前有具体数字时,要用其单数形式。这些词前没有具体数字,且与of连用时,用复数。]

2023高考英语模拟试题 第6篇








After the mid-term examination, a parents’ meeting will be held in our

2023高考英语模拟试题 第7篇

听 力:1—5 CBAAB 6—10 ABACB 11—15 BCBCA 16—20 ACBCB

单项选择:21—25 ACBDC 26—30 DBADA 31—35 CBDCB

完型填空:36—40 CDBAC 41—45 ABDAC

46—50 DCABD 51—55 BCDAB

阅读理解:56—59 CBAD 60—63 BCDA 64—66 DCA

67—70 DBCA 71—75 GCDAE

Last week I went to visit to my former neighbor, He and I used to living


next to each other for many About half a year ago, an order came which the old


building, along with many other similar ones, were going to be pulled down to make


room for a main So I had to move Li now lives in the suburbs near a


beautiful His new apartment is much big than The only problem is that it


took quite a long time to get to the downtown Therefore, Li doesn’t seem to

takes However

worry about the long He says that ∧ new subway line is to be built in a


few year and he is sure life will be better in the


2023高考英语模拟试题 第8篇



What do we know about the man’s camera?

It’s easy to

It’s only for professional

It’s better than an Olympus

What does the man promise to do for the woman?

Choose a camera for

Take some photos of

Play tennis with


When did the woman’s license stop being valid?

2 days 4 days 7 days

Where does the conversation take place?

In the police In the In a


What does the man want to buy?

A A A silk

What color does the man choose?

What does the man want to know in the end?

How to pay for the

Where to sign his

Whether the item can be


What did the man just do before the conversation?

He had a lovely

He asked a man for

He helped an old

Where does the man want to go?

To a To a To a

Where might the speakers be now?

On Gold At the L-5 bus On Riverside

What does the woman remind the man to do in the end?

Make sure he has

Cross the street

Be polite to the


How did the woman get into modeling?

Her father wanted her to be a

Her talent was noticed by a

She was a model as a

What does the woman find difficult about being a model?

Staying with her Making Staying

What does the woman like the most about being a model?

The traveling she gets to

The money she

The attention she

How many questions are discussed in the conversation?


2023高考英语模拟试题 第9篇

Ⅰ、 Phonetics

1、C 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、D 7、B

8、A 9、B 10、D

Ⅱ、 Vocabulary and Structure

11、C 12、B 13、A 14、A 15、C 16、B 17、C

18、C 19、C 20、A 21、B 22、C 23、A 24、B

25、B 26、C 27、C 28、A 29、C 30、C 31、D

32、C 33、C 34、C 35、D 36、A 37、B 38、A

39、B 40、D 41、C 42、D 43、C 44、C 45、A

46、C 47、A 48、D 49、A 50、D

Ⅲ、 Cloze

51、B 52、C 53、C 54、B 55、C 56、A 57、B

58、C 59、B 60、A

Ⅳ、 Reading Comprehension

61、C 62、C 63、D 64、A 65、D 66、B 67、B

68、C 69、D 70、C 71、D 72、B 73、C 74、B

75、C 76、A 77、B 78、D 79、A 80、B

Ⅴ、 Writing

In Money Everything?

I don’t think money is everything, but we can’t do without it、 Fox example, money can’t buy us happiness and a good education、 And for another example, money can’t buy us good health and a long life、 But we can not live without money、 We need it for our daily necessities such as food, clothes and transportation、 What’s more, we need it to live a better life、 In short, we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages、

2023高考英语模拟试题 第10篇

1~5 CAADC      6~10 DCBAC        11~15 BCAAC        16~20 ADDBA

1、选C。brain 大脑。


3、选A。imagine表示一种心理描绘,与look forward to,predict 和expect 等词意相吻合。



6、选D。四个选项中只有expect与predict 同义。

7、选C。开普勒的.梦不具有 funny,dull和silly的特征。


9、选A。“研究”与“分析”是紧密相联的。study 此处意为“研究”。research作“研究”讲时,若接宾语,须加上介词on 或into。


11、选B。find out 意为“弄清”、“找出”。其余三个词组不合文意。

12、选C。wake up“醒来”,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉――做梦――醒来。


14、选A。softly意为 gently and slowly,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式。


16、选A。从下文your eyes are too heavy一句中可得到暗示。


18、选D。almost asleep意为迷迷糊糊地睡着了,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看,不能说是完全睡着了。

19、选B。这里的remember nothing等于下一句中的forget everything。


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