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时间:2023-06-05 16:15:10 来源:网友投稿





dans le souhait d"une inscription auprès de votre université, j"ai l"honneur de vous exposer ci-dessous mes principales motivations.

j"étudie le fran?ais depuis bient?t quatre ans, et j"obtiendrai ma licence(bac+4) en juillet 20__ .(1)

outre la langue fran?aise, j"ai étudié littérature fran?aise à laquelle je m"intéresse particulièrement.(2)

après l"obtention de mon dipl?me, j"aimerais poursuivre mes études de littérature fran?aise dans votre université réputée pour son enseignement de littérature.(3)

or, pour entreprendre les démarches nécessaires, j"ai besoin d’un certificat de pré-inscription délivré par votre université. c"est pourquoi je vous demande quelles conditions je dois remplir pour obtenir ce certificat et quelles sont les attesations que je devrais fournir.

si c"est possible, pourriez-vous me faire parvenir, à l"adresse ci-dessus, un dossier d"inscription ?(4)

vous remerciant par avance de votre bienveillance, je vous prie d"agréer, monsieur le président, l"expression de mon profond respect.

(trois lignes d"interligne)



























application letter for studying abroad

xiao ming


shandong university

27 shanda nan lu

jinan , shandong , china


dr. melba ripley

the school of architecture

university of louisiana

100 webber hall

baton rouge, la 70814

dear dr. melba ripley:

my name is bu xuliang , a student studying microbiology technology in

shandong university school. i intend to spend my doctor years in ausauniversity by the end of september 20__ for my higher education at the sametime to develop my scientific skill since i love to have a career in the fieldof microbiology.

during the past three years, i had been an excellent student .i was

extremelyinterested in knowing how a microorganism change food to theenergy for their biochemical processes, and used to find out the answer bymyself. i have

published a paper in past three years. i am quite confident that i canarrange both my study and my daily life well in new environment. i also tookpart in a great deal of social activities and some of them were reallyimpressive. i would truly like to have theopportunity to do research work inyouruniversityso as to learn more new technology in microbiology technology.

i would greatly appreciate it if you could send me more information aboutthe application at your earliest convenience.

sincerely yours,

xiao ming























dear _,

it is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the lengthof time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but inthe richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. with the increase of my age,many things in my life have changed. but one thing remains constant, that is, iwill consistently insist on doing what i like to do and hope that my endeavorscan be valuable to the life of others. i see this as the only way whereby i canrealize the value of my life.

my undergraduate study focused on economics and i achieved remarkablescholastic performance in this field. my gpa is 3.44 (my gre score is 20__ andtoefl---- ). for four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, i receivedscholarships for my distinguished academic performance. due to my equallyprominent performance in extracurricular activities i was conferred on theoutstanding student in campus activities. however, honestly speaking, my realinterest lies not in economics, but in education. ever since i was a primaryschool student, i had cherished a strong desire for a teaching careerexemplified by my teachers. in the actual teaching career that i embarked onupon my graduating from university, i have become increasingly aware that theexisting educational conditions in china are far from satisfactory. the backwardteaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have renderedchinese education out of place with the modern international development ineducation. on the macro level, the current education theory and practice inchina lag significantly behind advanced countries in the west. for instance,though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in pasttwo years, in practical operation such education has more often than notdeteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-orientededucation instead of a really interactive process. in my personal experience,despite the fact that some of the problems that i have encountered in myteaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, ihave found that the more serious flaws inherent in china"s current educationalsystem cannot be worked out easily. under such circumstances, an advancedprogram in education becomes necessary.

in this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology andmethodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of humanexistence. meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational developmentand of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational valueorientation of the general public. the educational model that is centered aroundthe cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously r attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developedpersonality and to the ontological status of the inspanidual in education. suchissues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-makingin education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized have also been innovations in educational research methodology. thetendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic researchcategories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organicallyintegrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. it is alsoimportant to carry out educational experimentations in which educationalpredictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. both the complexity ofeducation and the complexity of human inspaniduals have made the comprehensiveapplication of spanerse educational approaches necessary. those new horizons arewhat fascinate me.

in view of the following qualifications that i have acquired, i believethat i will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective ph.d. program ineducation that i am currently endeavoring to apply for. first and foremost, asis often claimed, one"s interest is one"s best director. i believe that i willdo well what i am really interested in doing. secondly, though i majored ineconomics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped developeffective modes of thinking and research approaches. in addition, iconscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including adevelopmental history of educational science in the west, which enabled me toconstruct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. next, itcan be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educationalpsychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject thati am most good at. last but not the least, my current teaching career and myteaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degreeprogram.

the reason why i apply for the university of -- is that it is the firststate university with a time-honored history. the school of education in thisuniversity is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. i amparticularly attracted by the school"s powerful pedagogical resource, vibrantintellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. i plan to apply for adegree program in instructional technology or educational psychology, both ofwhich enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. my application forinstructional technology is motivated by my strong interest in the applicationof modern science and technology, especially the information technologyrepresented by the internet, in the field of education and in the nature of aseries of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. instructional technology is anew discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of moderncommunication technology since the late 20th century. it has tremendouspotential for development and commercial application. as for my motive inselecting educational psychology as another possible area of specialization inmy degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. onthe other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960"s have beenwell-versed in psychology. almost every important new educational theory isderived psychological findings in one way or another so that educationalpsychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the scienceof education. the tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the microresearch of educational activities and against this backdrop educationalpsychology will be attached greater importance. in instructional technology, iwould like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educationalefficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineeringtechnology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogicalcontents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoreticalfindings from psychology and educational science concerning the process ofteaching and learning. in educational psychology, i will concentrate on appliedcognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and childrendevelopment, personality structure and inspanidual differences and other relatedsubjects.

for me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanceddegree in the united states is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. atpresent, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every importantaspect of chinese society. the field of education especially calls forcomprehensive reforms. the united states occupies an absolutely leading positionin the present-day world in education. it is my conviction that, in the unitedstates, advanced educational theories, technologies and information willfacilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress,fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field ofeducation. this will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but alsomake my life more meaningful and rewarding.

yours sincerely,





休学的一年里,我会找一份与日语相关的工作,继续学习日语。我对所能找到的工作抱的期望值并不高,也并不认为出社会工作会有多顺利。在休学的一年中,我希望能和在校的同学们一起考n2 或是n1,实现自我独立,并且能为家里尽自己的力量。回学校之后,也能更加有目的的学习,或者还能做些翻译兼职。未曾想过考研的我,竟然也萌生了跨专业考心理学研究生的念头,虽然只是一刹那的想法,也让我自己惊讶不已。我也明白了,活着要不断的学习,学校就是一片很好的土壤,能为我们营造最好的环境。



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